Proud Marine Dad Put A Sticker On His Car, But He Had No Idea What Was Waiting For Him

n honor of his brave U.S. Marine son, Ed Alexander draped stickers on his and Tami’s automobiles, shouting out to their child’s military service with pride. They never would’ve guessed that the stickers, which read “Proud parent of a U.S. Marine,” would spark fury.

When Lewis parked his car at a store, he went back to it only to discover that someone had written him an extremely unpleasant note in response to the sticker plastered on the windshield.

When he was ready to back out of the parking lot, he noticed the piece of paper on his windshield and stopped to read it. He simply could not believe what he saw. A complete stranger left him a vicious message that made him cry and prompted him to contact the cops.






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