Inventions That You Probably Didn’t Know Were Introduced By Women

ay for women! With international women’s day fresh in our minds, it’s hard to not take some time and think of all the things women have given us. But while some of the things may be quite obvious, there’s a lot of stuff that we all know and use on pretty much a daily basis that were in fact invented by women.

Let’s take a look at some of the best inventions made by the strongest gender.


If your life has ever been saved because of strong safety material, you can thank a woman for that. More specifically, you can thank Stephanie Kwolek for it. She invented Kevlar by accident while she was looking for a lighter fiber for car tires.


Yup, even women don’t like doing dishes. In fact, the woman that created the first dishwasher, Josephine Cochrane, invented it to make life for her servants easier. Think about it, she’d never even done dishes herself and she could instantly tell it was a problem that needed fixing.


The computer was invented by Howard Aiken and Grace Hopper, back in 1944. Hopper was actually the one responsible for the word “bug”, as it at the time quite literally meant that there were moths in the computer that needed debugging.






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